📄️ Start a new RealtimeSession.
Start a new RealtimeSession with the given configuration.
📄️ Initiate an outbound call.
Initiate an outbound call from a RealtimeSession.
📄️ Update a RealtimeSession.
Update the RealtimeSession with the given identifier.
📄️ End a RealtimeSession.
End the RealtimeSession with the given identifier.
📄️ Get a RealtimeSession.
End the RealtimeSession with the given identifier.
📄️ Get a RealtimeSession timeline.
Get the timeline of the RealtimeSession with the given identifier.
📄️ Get a RealtimeSession messages.
Get all ContextMessages associated with the given RealtimeSession.
📄️ List Realtime Sessions.
List all Realtime Sessions.
📄️ Attach a human to a RealtimeSession
Attaches a human to a RealtimeSession. This is useful for previously anonymous sessions, for example sessions created via a phone call.
📄️ Speak
For a live session, force the agent to speak a given text.
For a live session, force agent to send DTMF tones